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Making Laminated Plant Labels

You can make decorative, informative labels for garden, nursery or house plants using your pouch laminator and thermal laminating sleeves. This idea works for commercial nurseries or for the home gardener.

Stores, nurseries and farmer's market vendors can create signs that show customers how the plants they are selling will look when mature or in season by laminating photos of the plant onto plant stakes for individual plants or a single sign for a group of plants for sale. Actual photos will work best for this purpose.

House plant owners may want to create decorative labels that also contain care information if someone else waters or fertilizes your plants for you. Using a dry erase marker you can write on the backside of plant markers noting last watering or fertilizer date.

Materials Needed

* White card stock, drawings, seed packs, catalog photos, or other decorative/informative item about plants

* Laminate sheets (available in a variety of sizes)

* Wood or plastic plant labels or tongue depressors


1. Print and/or clip images to be used for plant marker. Photos can be found on the Internet either at nursery websites (, stock photo sites ( or photo sharing sites (

2. Place selected plant label on the top of plant marker card (pointy end down if one end is pointy).

3. Following the laminate directions, sandwich the marker card and plant label together, covering the entire marker card with laminate sleeve (do not laminate the pointy end of the plant label). You can cover several marker cards using one sheet of a laminate pouch, but leave enough space between the markers for cutting.

4. Cut out each marker, remembering to leave at least 1/8" of laminate around each card cut-out.

Only your imagination will limit the types of plant markers you can create using this method. Send us your photos of your laminated plant labels and we'll post them on our site! (